Wednesday, July 29, 2009

WRITE EVERY DAY: 500 a day Challenge Update

How am I doing?

Um, not very well.

Why not?

I'm easily distracted, and by the time I finished all my other jobs, I just don 't feel like writing. Is that normal?

I asked an author, Gary Williams, what the secret to his successful productivity was ( I know that's desperate) and his tip was "sit and write" - easy when you know how, huh? :)

I'm going to get up early from now on (yes, I can hear some of you laughing) and start writing before anything else. It's got to be worth a try. Although I will soon be on holiday and won't have any internet access, which will put a spanner in the works of my creativity for sure. All my writing is actually online so I can access it from any computer.

So bearing in mind the age old adage "write every day", how do writers / online addicts cope when on holiday with no computer or internet? Do you make sure you don't go anywhere unless there is internet access or it's a laptop friendly area? What if, like me, you don't have a laptop and all your work is sitting on the computer in your office? Perhaps you take lots of notebooks and write by hand? Or is there another way that I don't know of, which would really make me happy as Larry? Whoever he is.

Pray do tell.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The 500 Words a Day Challenge!

It's been way too long since I have updated this blog, so in an effort to change that and write more every day, I am entering the "500 Words A Day Challenge". This may not sound much, but I hope that this will lead to more words once I get started each day.

I have also added two writing progress meters in the sidebar, which I will update once a week, if not sooner. Here they are:


34276 / 80000


6290 / 15000

Hopefully, this will encourage me to write more regularly! Fingers crossed.

At the moment I have not got anything in the pipeline, other than the two books mentioned above. Usually I have at least a couple of short stories or flash fiction pieces in the hands of online magazine editors waiting for their yay or nay responses. Lately, however, there has been a lot going on in my life and when I do sit down and write it's to work on the novel or novella with sporadic bursts of productivity. And then nothing for days. This is going to change! Watch this space.

I've also updated my MySpace profile, which was more than overdue.

Until next time, which shouldn't be as long as the gap between my last post and this new one, have fun!
